Pam's Blog

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Heading for Fort Riley, Kansas

When Billy graduated from Basic Training at Fort Knox, Kentucky in October of 1996, he received his orders to report to his home base at Fort Riley, Kansas. On the 31st of October, I drove him to his base.

We left about 4:00 a.m. from Rogersville, Missouri, where he was staying with his Grandma Betty Blevins. We took Highway 174 to Mt. Vernon. On the way there, he was slumped down in the passenger seat, sleeping, and I had the radio on. Just before we arrived at the Turnback Creek bridge, the National Anthem came on the radio.

Now, I had brought my son up to respect the music of our country and the flag and that was deeply ingrained in him. However, the United States Army must have done an excellent job also.

Remember, my son was sleeping. When he slept, he slept very well. When the Anthem came on, he slid upright in his seat, took his hat off, saluted, ramrod straight, (never opened his eyes) during the entire song, and when it was over, put his hat back on and slid back down in his seat. He was still asleep!

That is patriotism at it's finest! I wished I had a camera at that moment. However, I was driving and the thought came to me that I wouldn't see him again like that. I would never drive him somewhere in my car again.

I was, and still am, so very proud of my son.


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